It brings me great joy just to  think about food.  Oh my, there is nothing better than scrolling through a Cook Book – it’s a perfect ‘picker-upper’ regardless of the situation. For me it evokes memories of my Mother’s cooking. She was not a fan of cook books or measuring cups, everything was done with good ole memory and average. But her cooking was perfect. So, for me the well photographed dishes reminds me of when life was simple and less hectic.

lunch, alfresco, outdoor dining


I recently realized the first reading material that I bought was a Good News Bible. It was a bit surprising, not because it was the Bible , it’s just that I had read; it seems all of my life. So purchasing my first Book in my early thirties was a testament to the culture I grew up in; where access to books and reading materials were natural and free.

One of my most precious memory was getting my first library card. That meant I had more access to books, and I felt fantastic.


  My Mother singing hymnals is my first memory of hearing of any form of music – her sitting on the bed singing ” Oh Master let me walk with Thee”; is still etched in my mind.

 Over the years, there are songs that are part of my experiences. Whether it was good, bad or sad; there is a song that can take me to those memories.

Our primary source of Music was GBS and Radio Demerara. The two available radio station, and it was also our source of all news. For me, it was the Music that counts.

image of coupons

Being Thrifty

On Wednesdays, like clockwork, the mailman would placed under my office door – a stack of flyers advertising the next week sales. There would be coupons for food, personal items, medication/vitamins. and cleaning supplies. Ever so often, there might be a few restaurant coupons.

 I would place the entire stack in the garbage container, never seeing the need to look through the pile. It was extra garbage- nothing else, but a hindrance.

After visiting Las Vegas those flyers became very valuable; no longer trash.