It is an organ that we exercise less as we age. And not part of our yearly checkup, except in the case of head trauma or brain injury
Do you know what’s more important than all of this, though?
Is making Brain health an essential part of our wellbeing. In early 2016, I started to experience a foggy feeling.
My day to day routine was mundane and routine.
I was not learning anything new; slight variations to my profession. But nothing new.
As an individual, I relish and strive for knowledge, to be precise; new and challenging knowledge.
The focus was on my surrounding circumstances. The thought of damage to my Brain, never considered.
The desire to travel came after months of self-assessment.
I had stopped learning new things and experiences. My Brain was deteriorating, more tragic -I wasn’t aware.
My trip to New Zealand sent my Brain into ‘happy sparks’ As I researched and learned new information, using this further exciting information to plan my trip.
I included daily walking as part of my preparation.
Again, my physical and emotional state was my focus.
But, all my plans and activities contributed to this essential organ. I felt the difference, feeling alive.
While reading my monthly AARP magazine, I saw an article about the Staying Sharp Assessment Test.
It was just information, and I still did not see the importance of learning more. It was not about my heart, or blood sugar level or cholesterol levels; the usual health concerns.
In April 2019, an advertisement for Staying Sharp Assessment Test appeared in the sidebar of my computer.
There was an interest, and I took the test.
My test results were disappointing. There were so much I had taken for granted.
Reading the recommendation made me realize; if not for the year of planning- things could have been worst.
I explored new recipes targeting Brain health, along with exercising.
Eliminating stress, as much as possible in our life, also contributes to a healthy Brain.
My test earlier this year had improved, with still room for improvement. An assessment test can be done every 6 months.
As we get older, we become set in specific patterns. It’s where our comfort level is at its peak.
In this very relaxed state, we are afflicting harm to our mental state.
Since we are not learning anything new, our Brain is not making any new connections.
Our production of dopamine reduces, and our Brain plasticity deteriorates.
On the bright side, we can work on changing the situation.
7. Ask your Primary Care Physician about Brain Health.
It becomes more difficult for us to learn new things if the connections are not nurtured by further information.
Our brain loves novelty, so let us feed it. Learning all the functions of our cellphones will be energizing. Also, trying a new recipe; learning a new method of cooking. If health conditions allow, try a new ingredient. It can be fun
It could be difficult for some, keep the end goal in mind.
A new proactive approach to our overall health is rewarding.
It is said that ‘knowledge is power. An increase in knowledge leads to overall, positive quality of life.
It helps us to feel Sexy; our words can be Sassy, and a quick functioning Brain is a Savvy Brain.